720 West Main Street, Elkton, KY 42220, US

(270) 265-5616

Welcome to M. Shane Hessey - Funeral Director

Welcome to M. Shane Hessey - Funeral Director

About Me

my personal life

My life is dedicated to serving the families of Todd County and surrounding areas for funeral service needs.  My mother Lois Hessey lives with me full-time.  Having spent several years on our family farm after the death of my father Mike Hessey in 2006 in Carthage, Tennessee it was decided that she come and live with me as her health began to decline.  Each day is a new experience for she and myself, but creating lasting memories is my goal everyday.  I am either at one of the funeral homes at home or somewhere eat a good meal.  My life is simple by choice, if I live a simple life I can be more focused on my service to mankind. 

we never know where life will lead

Being strong in my faith and as I age, I realize that we never know where life will lead.  While we spend each day climbing the mountains or walking through the valley's, we should not dwell on the circumstances but yet be grateful for the blessing of each day that has been given to us as a gift.  It is our decision each day to make of that gift the best that it can be.  May we each take a moment to rest our minds and body and give thanks to the gift giver,  

My love of life

The purpose of this webpage is to give each of you the opportunity to see my life from a different angle.  A more personal side that I think each of you deserve to know.  Since my moving to Todd County in 2003 there has been the regular rumor mill.  In all honesty the "rumor mill" has been the most difficult thing for me to handle mentally.  And early on I learned where the "mill" is located, which has made me work much harder and grow in my faith much faster.  It is my desire to give everyone the opportunity to see me for who I am and what I strive to do, and that is being a servant to the people.  I look forward to each day and each evening resting with Senator Hessey on the couch.  I live a very transparent life and as I mentioned before a simple life so that my focus can remain clear for myself and others.  

Why choosing a funeral home owner is important

choosing a funeral home owner to serve

I am very proud to say that I am the only funeral home owner in Todd County and over the years of hard work and dedication we have become the choice funeral provider in Todd County.  When a funeral home owner decides to sell a funeral home to one of the national corporations they know very well that prices will increase and the families pay the high cost for service.  In most cases the corporate ownership of a funeral home is kept very quiet in a community so that the public is not aware of the ownership change.  Being the owner of the Todd County and Cook - Webb Funeral Homes, I feel obligated to work the majority of visitations and services so that families can have direct interaction with the owner.  Ultimately, I am responsible to each family and want to make sure that each family is cared for as I have designed our service to be.  Every aspect of the funeral homes have been designed to better serve each family.  Many often think that I spend too much on furnishings, decor and advertising but it is my core belief that the families that I serve deserve the very best.  In addition to giving back to the community.  I try to budget my "Give Back" to the community at $100,000.00 per year.  In addition I do as much business locally as possible to increase business for other business owners and support our community as a whole.  

Find out more

following the path

Following the path that God has put before us can often be difficult, but if we remain prayerful and allow Him to lead us then His path is followed. 

Cook - webb funeral home

Serving the families of Guthrie and Todd County for more than 100 years.  I am proud that it is once again a locally owned funeral home.  


I am going to try and write a "blog" often to keep in touch and let you know how things are going. If you are interested in receiving these updates please join. And always feel free to respond Momma Lois and I would love to hear from you.

Contact Me

send me an email

Better yet, come see me in person!!!

I make myself available 24 hours a day by phone or in person.  If you need me, I am here for you. 

M. Shane Hessey - Funeral Director

720 West Main Street, Elkton, KY 42220, US

(270) 265-5616